Our office is getting a new practice management software next week. Therefore our office will be closed for training purposes and will re-open October 29th for limited patients. We plan to return to our regular schedule on November 1st. Which cartoon do you think will reflect us by the end of the week?
Let’s Talk!
Our phones have started working again! Our main office number is now receiving calls and we thank you so much for your patience and understanding while we waited for Antietam Broadband!

Hello? Hello?
Our office is currently having issues with our phone system. It was caused by an update with Antietam Broadband and we have been in contact with them. They have told us our patients may experience problems getting through to our office for the next 72 hours based upon your cellular carrier. Landlines appear to work just fine. If you are a patient of record and you have an orthodontic emergency after hours please call 240-818-5258. For all other calls please try again later. Thank you!
5k Event
The Leitersburg Peach Festival is holding their annual Jack Roberts Memorial 5k Run/Walk on Sunday, August 15th at 8am. Jack Roberts was a friend of the Wilson family who passed away at too young of an age. Dr. Wilson will be running in the 5k and is challenging all patients and family members to join him at the event. All funds raised go towards the Jack Roberts Memorial Scholarship which helps young students offset the cost of higher education. For anyone wishing to participate please let our office know via email at: info@hubcityorthodontics.com. We will email you the registration form so you can register. To help raise even more funds for the scholarship, Dr. Wilson plans to match your registration fee as a donation to the scholarship allowing them to reach even more students! Dr. Wilson hopes to see you there!