Do you have a question about Hub City Orthodontics or our services? Feel free to call us during our office hours or drop us a note below. If you are experiencing an after-hours orthodontic emergency, are a current patient of record, and need to get in contact with a member of our team, please call our main office line @ (301)733-5230 and follow the prompts to get connected to our on-call team member. We will return your call ASAP.
Contact Information:
1118 Klick Way
Hagerstown, Maryland 21742
Phone: (301)733-5230
Fax: (301)733-5367
Office Hours:
Monday: 8am-5pm
Tuesday: 8am-5pm
Wednesday: 8am-5pm
Thursday: 8am-4pm
Friday-Sunday: Closed
Click HERE for our office location in Google Maps.